A critical analysis of the One Direction culture and its impacts upon global society.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Impulse Buying

It can be said that fads come and go. However, it can also be said that those who jump on the bandwagon will profit. The reason I bring this up is that I have recently noticed a trend in "Directioners." I have many "Directioner" friends who participate in the most unusual types of impulse buying. Not simply shirts or hats with One Direction tattooed across the front, but magazines. If they spot a magazine with one of the singers on the cover or an offer of a "free poster" included with the purchase of the magazine, they'll grab it and run to the check-out isle. Once they get home, they'll cut out the pictures and posters and plaster them to their walls. After a few of these trips, their walls end up looking exactly like this:
These are pictures taken from my "Directioner" friends' rooms, and they have storage bins of backup posters in case one rips. This phenomenon does not only occur in magazine buying, but also in online buying. Professional desktop wallpapers designed to target "Directioners" are becoming more and more popular. There are even personalized Google pages with One Direction posing in the background. My question is, where do we draw the line? As humans, are we letting things like popular culture affect our spending habits in detrimental ways? Where is the fine line between childhood fancy and obsession? Answers, objections, comments? Leave a message and let me know how you feel about this topic. Until next time, 1Directioner Post, out.


  1. It is crazy how the magazine industry make bank just from offering a "free" poster of whoever Todays favorite artist is and actully charge like 4$ just for us to cut them out and not read the rest of the magazine. smh I'm guilty of it too.

  2. I think that sometimes we do let our affection torward someone or something get out of hand and it quickly delevops into an obsession. Today many teenage girl overly obsess themsleves with one directions, justin bieber, etc. Hopefully this obseesion trend over boy bands will die down soon..

  3. There always seems to be some artist obsession on the minds of teenagers- whether its Elvis, The Beatles, The Backstreet Boys, or One Direction. I think that trend will continue due to our society being so pop culture centered. The internet will only exacerbate these obsessions, making celebrity content accessible to any fans able to get online.

  4. Do you see the One Direction fad staying or going? I know our generation grew up the Backstreet Boys & NSYNC. Do you believe One Direction will end up like these old popular boy bands?
