A critical analysis of the One Direction culture and its impacts upon global society.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


What is it about One Direction that seems to appeal to so many individuals at once- granted the majority are teenage girls? This rag-tag group of five young boys has become a sensation, especially since their song "What Makes You Beautiful" premiered. Catching choruses, attractive singers, and unforgettable tunes are definitely the means to attract an individual's attention, but what makes them stay under the label as a "Directioner?" What's the real staying-power? My opinion on this relies on their flexibility as a band, which has to do mostly with their youth and innocence. Take their album "Up All Night," for example:
Although this album, along with concert sales, allowed the band to accumulate a great amount of capital, it is the merchandise which really gets "Directioners" excited.
A simple play on words- as seen in the above 1Direction Brand shirt- makes the band seem even more innocent and appealing. Having the already attractive singers portrayed as "cute owls" makes profits soar, as now they both have younger and older fan appeal. Anyways, these are simply my opinions. Feel free to comment with your own ideas and topics. Until next time, 1Directioner Post, Out.

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